The Weightlessness of Grace

There comes a point in our journey with Christ where there is nothing left to do but to surrender to the ”weightlessness of GRACE.”

Recently I have been captivated by the Prophet Zechariah. He came to encourage God’s people in the rebuilding of the temple.
They were frustrated, and their human efforts were not achieving the success they hoped for. The Prophet Zechariah intervened, speaking out what is now a famous scripture ”Not by might, nor by power, But by my SPIRIT, Says the Lord”.

He goes on to encourage the people that the impossible mountains before them will come down with shouts of GRACE.

And I sense this is what the Spirit of God is saying to His Church. What we can’t do by human effort, God will do by His Spirit, by an outpouring of GRACE beyond what we have yet known.

I am reminded of the Apostle Paul - possibly one of the biggest mountains standing before God’s people as he murdered and persecuted Christians. BUT the Spirit of God met this mountain with shouts of GRACE, and this man became one of the greatest advancers of the gospel the world has known, establishing many churches and writing many books of the New Testament.

And so Paul writes:
”I do not treat the GRACE of God as meaningless. For if keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die.” (Galatians‬ ‭2:21‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

I believe we are standing on the threshold of a whole new outpouring of GRACE, that will level mountains and see His kingdom come & His will be done on earth as it is on heaven.

Kirrily xx


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